Google Takeout undergoes changes to reduce its hold on user data

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Google Takeout undergoes changes to reduce its hold on user data

What you need to know

  • Google has created a series of commitments in an attempt to rectify its “alleged abuse of dominant position” with U.S. users’ backed-up data.
  • The AGCM has deemed its commitments “agreeable,” with two of them directly impacting Google Takeover.
  • Google states it will test a new solution that will allow users to transfer their backed-up data to other services if they choose.

Google has put forth new commitments in an act to resolve its “alleged abuse of dominant position,” the result of a case started by the Italian Competition Authority.

In a press release, the Italian watchdog states it has closed its investigation into Google’s data case while also giving insight into how the company will look to loosen its grip over backed-up user data. The case claimed that Google has consistently restricted users in the U.S. from sharing their personal data held by Google with other services.

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