rewrite this title A decade of OnePlus: Ranking my favorite OnePlus phones over the last 10 years

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rewrite this title A decade of OnePlus: Ranking my favorite OnePlus phones over the last 10 years

Ask any Android enthusiast what their favorite manufacturer is, and they’ll inevitably say OnePlus. The Chinese company figured out the audience it wanted from the get-go, and its ability to deliver flagship hardware combined with best-in-class software meant it automatically attracted power users. While that direction has changed in recent years, OnePlus continues to deliver standout devices. 

I distinctly remember being excited about getting my hands on the OnePlus One back in 2014; it wasn’t as straightforward as it is today, as you needed an invite to pick up the phone. But I managed to secure one and bought the phone in the U.S. several months ahead of its release in India, and used it as my daily driver for well over a year.

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