rewrite this title Asgard’s Wrath 2 review: VR’s Ocarina of Time

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31 minutes read
rewrite this title Asgard’s Wrath 2 review: VR’s Ocarina of Time

By all means, a game like Asgard’s Wrath 2 shouldn’t exist. In a world where the average VR game is only a few hours long and often crafted by development teams numbering in the single digits, it’s hard to believe that a 100+ hour-long, highly polished, and well-voice-acted RPG is a reality.

But it’s only this sort of game — one that creates lofty expectations of the future of VR — that could earn a perfect score from us and so many others. Asgard’s Wrath 2 is a game in a class of its own, and unfortunately, I surmise there will be nothing quite like it for a while. Just as we had to wait over three years since Half-Life: Alyx debuted, I have little doubt that it’ll be at least a few years before we see something this deep and complex in the VR space again.

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