rewrite this title Contractors Showdown is the VR Call of Duty Warzone I’ve been waiting for

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rewrite this title Contractors Showdown is the VR Call of Duty Warzone I’ve been waiting for

As VR continues to grow in popularity, we’re getting more games that try to replicate popular traditional games with the immersion and multiplayer experience that only VR can offer. Contractors Showdown is my latest VR gaming obsession as it channels two of the best battle royale titles on the market: Call of Duty Warzone, and PUBG.

Visually, the game evokes the look of PUBG in all the right ways. The map is absolutely massive, yet it doesn’t feel like the developers had to cut down on model detail or make the map sparse just to fit on the Meta Quest 3. Even with this massive map, it supports 60 players at a time — that’s three times the number supported by Population: One, the system’s most popular battle royale game.

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