rewrite this title Even the new Quest Link software can’t save PCVR for me

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rewrite this title Even the new Quest Link software can’t save PCVR for me

I want to love PCVR, I really do. I have incredibly fond memories of the early days of modern consumer VR — specifically with the HTC Vive — and its SteamVR-powered experience. I’ve spent hundreds of hours in PC-only headsets over the years, and while all of them used different tracking methods, controllers, displays, and other components, all of them have been peppered with the exact same problems: they require as many hours of troubleshooting as you’ll plan to play on them.

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In his weekly column, Android Central Senior Content Producer Nick Sutrich delves into all things VR, from new hardware to new games, upcoming technologies, and so much more.

It’s more than likely that I’m cursed in some regard to PC gaming, but I’ve never had an easy time of the effort. I’m aware of the flak I’m going to receive from the hardcore community for this article, but I know I’m not alone in my struggles. PC gaming seldom works for me and, even when it does, the trade-offs are almost often never worth the effort that goes into making it work.

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