rewrite this title Google Play Services: What are they, and how do they keep your Android phone safe?

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18 minutes read
rewrite this title Google Play Services: What are they, and how do they keep your Android phone safe?

Depending on how much of a phone nerd you are, you may never have even thought about what Google Play Services actually is. You could be forgiven for dismissing it as a dry and technical part of Android, but in reality, it’s a crucially important part of the way the OS works. Essentially, it’s what puts the Google into Android, influencing everything from security to Google integration with the apps you use every day.

Google Play Services was announced in 2014 as a way to introduce new features to Android phones in a way that didn’t require a firmware update. That’s because back in 2014, before the days of monthly security patches, even the best Android phones were often left waiting months for crucial fixes. And forcing users to wait for a full firmware update to protect against malicious apps or tweak the way Google features worked was less than ideal.

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