rewrite this title Google Play Store adding ‘Government’ badge to identify official apps

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rewrite this title Google Play Store adding ‘Government’ badge to identify official apps

What you need to know

  • Google announced last year that it would start adding badges to official government apps, and this change is rolling out now.
  • Over 3,000 state and federal apps from 12 countries now show a visual badge displaying that they are official government apps. 
  • Since government apps often require users to provide identifying or banking information, this is a way for users to make sure they’re sharing private data with the right app. 

Google has tried to clean up the Play Store of late, and part of that initiative now includes marking government apps with a visual badge to show that they are official. The move was quietly announced in November 2023, but it is just now rolling out to app listings on the Google Play Store. Thousands of official state and federal apps feature a government badge — which looks like a building — directly above the Install button. 

Like some of the other badges on app listings, you can tap the government badge to learn more about what it means. After doing so, the Play Store will bring up the following message: “Official government, Play verified this app is affiliated with a government entity.” This new badge is placed between the app reviews average and the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) score.

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