rewrite this title Google won’t tell me why the Pixel 8 Pro doesn’t make me sick

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21 minutes read
rewrite this title Google won’t tell me why the Pixel 8 Pro doesn’t make me sick

Are you allergic to anything? If you’re like most people, you probably have at least one allergy that keeps you from enjoying all the same things as some other people. But what if, one day, your allergy suddenly disappeared with no explanation? To make things worse, you’re still affected by the allergy most of the time; it’s just one particular scenario where the allergy seems to be gone.

That’s the boat I’m in right now with the Google Pixel 8 Pro, a phone that, by all rights, should make me want to throw up immediately. Google has used Samsung AMOLED displays on its Pixel phones since the inception of the product line, and each of these phones uses Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). That’s a display trick that’s designed to fool the human brain into thinking the display is brighter or dimmer by flickering the display on and off several hundred times per second.

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