rewrite this title Jerry Hildenbrand’s Top 10 of 2023

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rewrite this title Jerry Hildenbrand’s Top 10 of 2023

This year was one of those years that didn’t completely suck. We saw some terrible things and some great things in 2023, but most of the year just chugged along being average, and after the past few years, I think we all needed just a little bit of average in our lives. 

There were a handful of things I personally enjoyed about 2023, as well as things I enjoyed a lot less, but I like to end things on a positive note whenever I can. Here are the top ten things I’ll remember fondly — some of them are even about tech!

The Fairphone 5 is awesome

Fairphone 5

(Image credit: Fairphone)

The Fairphone 5 is the best value of any phone made today and a big step up for the company.

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