rewrite this title Max Mustard is the blissful VR rebirth of a popular 32-bit genre

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rewrite this title Max Mustard is the blissful VR rebirth of a popular 32-bit genre

I can’t begin to describe my elation when Max Mustard first popped onto my Meta Quest 3 screens. The vibrant colors, quirky enemies, lovable animations, plunger gun, and jet boots all scream 90s platformer, and yet it’s debuting for the first time in 2024, and in VR, no less.

A VR platformer sounds a bit strange until you think of the evolution of the platformer genre. All of the earliest examples from the genre were side-scrolling 2D games like Pitfall and Super Mario Bros. A few decades later, 3D platformers like Super Mario 64, Crash Bandicoot, and Sonic Adventure would take the concept into 3D space and revolutionize it completely.

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