rewrite this title Smart rings will stay niche until they add these missing features

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rewrite this title Smart rings will stay niche until they add these missing features

Sunday Runday

Lloyd, the Android Central mascot, break-dancing

(Image credit: Android Central)

In this weekly column, Android Central Wearables Editor Michael Hicks talks about the world of wearables, apps, and fitness tech related to running and health, in his quest to get faster and more fit.

To go beyond the tech niche into the mainstream, smart rings might need a “killer app” to stand out and justify their high prices. It’s unclear which features they need versus the ones added to pad spec sheets or make them sound futuristic.

Smart rings have exploded in 2024, for better or worse. You can barely go a week without some new brand launching a smart ring Kickstarter, each one promising more features than the last. Before the Samsung Galaxy Ring arrives, they’re all rushing out rival products with outlandish promises and (mostly) interchangeable features.

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