rewrite this title This is what it’ll take to make esports a real Olympic event

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rewrite this title This is what it’ll take to make esports a real Olympic event

Just a few days before the 2024 Paris Olympic Games began, rumor had it that this would be the first Olympic Games with an esports competition. If you’re not familiar with the term, esports are video games played in a highly competitive way, often spawning tournaments with televised games similar to traditional sports.

The idea of having video games at the Olympics—a venue for more traditional sports where players have to be physically athletic—created a very mixed reaction across the world. Esports athletes were thrilled, but there was plenty of concern that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was dumbing down the event in order to appeal to younger audiences. However, I disagree and propose that esports could make it to the actual Olympics if VR games were adopted as the official medium.

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In his weekly column, Android Central Senior Content Producer Nick Sutrich delves into all things VR, from new hardware to new games, upcoming technologies, and so much more.

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