The Google Trial: A Comprehensive Overview and Why It Matters

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The Google Trial: A Comprehensive Overview and Why It Matters

The U.S. Department of Justice’s 10-week antitrust trial against Google is underway, and it has the potential to spell big trouble for the Mountain View tech giant. The Justice Department, along with several individual states, claim that Google was able to reach its status as the dominant company in search through anti-competitive means. Now, the company has reached monopoly status and everything needs to be investigated.

It’s a highly watered-down set of claims, as U.S. district court judge Amit Mehta dismissed the claims that Google also engaged in anti-competitive behavior enabled by its dominance, harming companies like Yelp and Tripadvisor through Google Search, in early August. Nevertheless, Google is finally facing some consequences for its actions, even if it dodged a bullet here.

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