Samsung recently unveiled its new Galaxy Z Flip 5 with a prominent external display on the cover panel. The phone follows the trends set by other clamshell foldables this year, giving users more scr…
Significant Similarities Found between Motorola Razr Plus and Galaxy Z Flip 4 in Recent Teardown
by admin Post6 minutes readWhat you need to know
Zack Nelson of JerryRigEverything tears down the Motorola Razr Plus to see what makes it tick.
The phone cracked under pressure in a previous durability test, which revealed a… -
What you need to know
The developer of CoverScreen OS has added “experimental support” for the upcoming Galaxy Z Flip 5.
With its latest update, you’ll be able to run any app right from your Galax… -
Even though it’s now been superseded by two newer models, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 remains one of the most futuristic-looking and feature-laden smartphones you can buy. And thanks to the reduced …